Thứ Tư, 15 tháng 8, 2018

How to Create a Signature in Hotmail

Add a digital signature at the bottom of your email for a custom look for your contact information. When you build your signature, think of how much contact information you want to include, such as job title, company name, your address or other accounts web.Nhu like Gmail or Yahoo mail, Hotmail allows you to set a signaturethat will be automatically added to any email you write.

Step 1: Log in to your Hotmail account

At the interface, click the gear iconat the top-right corner of the window -> select “Settings”

Step 2: Click on “Mail” -> select “Email Singnature”

Step 3: In the creating Hotmail signature interface, you have all the tools to create signature you want.

1: Include fonts, colors, marginsalignment …

2: Insert image into Hotmail signature.

3: Select the automaticallydisplay mode.

After creating Hotmail signature -> Click theSavebutton to save the signature.

Step 4: Now you are back to the Hotmail interface and try to send an email -> Signature Hotmail has appeared already.

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